Mental Health Monday: Traveling

Mental Health Monday
Mental Health Monday

Travel has always knocked my anxiety up a couple notches. I feel like being out of my routine probably has something to do with it. Sometimes, my anxiety can surprise me – I just spent about 10 days away, seven of which were spent in Canada. Usually this kind of travel has a more profound effect on my anxiety, but I have say this trip ended up a little different.

When we drove up to the cabin, I felt this feeling of calm wash over me. As weird as it is to say, I feel like this is kind of a foreign thing for me to feel at the start of a vacation. Usually my brain thinks about all of the things that could potentially go wrong. This time, it just wasn’t happening.

It ended up being a really relaxing week of fishing, napping, eating and spending time with family. I did experience my normal “end of vacation” anxiety, but this time, that was it. It’s funny how our anxiety seems to have a mind of its own from time to time. It’s not as predictable as we might think it is.

I hope, if you struggle or not with mental health issues, you take two things from this. One, don’t assume you will have anxiety. Sometimes it might surprise you and take a day off. Second, please don’t steer away from planning vacations because of your anxiety. It is important to challenge our anxious feelings from time to time. This helps us build confidence while at the same time not allowing ourselves to succumb to our mental health.

I hope you have a fantastic week. Talk soon,


Check out this weeks good time feel good video!


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