Illinois AG Kwame Raoul and Department of Human Rights issues new guide on discrimination relating to pregnancy


Illinois Attorney General Kwame Raoul and the Illinois Department of Humans Rights have released a new guide concerning the state’s protections against discrimination based on pregnancy, childbirth, and other reproductive health issues. Abortion is, of course, included on the list.

The guide is designed – in the wake of the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision, to offer guidance and clarity concerning what Illinois offers in terms of healthcare and reproductive rights.

On the innovation, AG Raoul stated that “Under Illinois law, everyone has the right to make decisions about their reproductive health free from discrimination…This guidance will assist women in exercising their rights, as well as help employers, housing providers, health care practitioners, and others avoid discriminatory practices.”

Illinois Governor JB Pritzker also voiced his thoughts on the move. “I’m glad that the Attorney General and IDHR are taking extra steps to ensure women are protected at a time where their rights are being stripped away in so many places. Here in Illinois, we understand that reproductive health choices are private medical decisions made by a woman with her doctor, and that no matter the outcome of these choices, women deserve protection from unlawful discrimination.”


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