True Courage Is Trying Food That You Swore You’d Never!


For the people that know me, you know how picky of an eater I am. Well, my Fiance says that I’m just particular. Either way, there are a lot of foods that I haven’t tried and honestly refuse for this reason. I’ve started to compile a list of foods that I hope to have the courage to eat one day. I’m talking about pretty normal foods and desserts that many people eat, but also look really good to me. Cheesecake, and butter pecan ice cream are a couple examples. But Sushi? Oh, Sushi is really high on this list.

Although, you’d be proud to know that I’ve finally found the courage to try sushi! A couple days ago we went to local hibachi restaurant (Hibachi Madness, which I highly recommend.) and I had a wild hair and thought, “why not?”. I ordered a sushi taco that came with shrimp tempura, spicy crab, spicy mayo, rice, and cream cheese. My first thought after my first bite was simply, “I’m an idiot.”. Why was this my first thought? I mean, how could I wait so long to try this?

Now I’m not saying I’m ready to eat every piece of sushi that I eat, but at the same time, I know what kind I do like.

And to everyone that I’ve doubted, to all of my friends that blown off for “sushi dates”, just know that I am truly sorry.

Now lets see if I can accumulate the courage to eat some peach cobbler next!

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