Illinois Symphony Orchestra’s Flora & Fauna In Springfield and Bloomington [VIDEO]


Kate Tombaugh and the IWU Collegiate Choir join the Illinois Symphony Orchestra under the direction of Ken Lam for two nights of music at 7:30 in Springfield Saturday and Bloomington Sunday.


Kate is an Illinois-Wesleyan Graduate who has performed across the United States and has been heard internationally. She recently moved to Decatur with her husband.


Performances of Flora and Fauna will be at Sacred Heart-Griffin High School in Springfield on Friday at 7:30, then at the Second Presbyterian Church in Bloomington, IL on Saturday.


The Concert Repertoire is as follows:


Rameau: La Poule from Nouvelles Suites
Bach: Cantata No. 170 – I Aria: Vergnügte Ruh, beliebte Seelenlust
Bach: Cantata No. 83 – I. Aria: Erfreute Zeit im neuen Bunde
Corigliano: Fern Hill
Haydn: Symphony No. 88

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