Family Invented A Life-Sized Board Game During The Pandemic


A New Jersey family has started selling copies of a life-sized board game they invented during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Aversa family said they designed game called What’s Next? at their home as a family activity during the pandemic.

They “wanted to get the kids off the screens and around their family…”

The game is comprised of weatherproof tiles assembled by the players, who act as their own game pieces.

“You lay out the squares on the floor, and then you get the large die it comes with, and you roll. Wherever you land, you have to do the activity.”

The activities range from exercises to animal impressions.

The parents started selling the game online after other families expressed an interest in trying the game. The Aversas said the game has become so popular that it soon will be available from Walmart’s website.

What a cute idea!  Plus, it’s a money-maker!  Smart…

-Sarah Smerz

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